Wednesday, 19 February 2014

A holiday every weekend.

Both Ros and myself have been working for a few months now so we're over the new, eager to get started phase. Consequently the working week has become fairly routine on a day to day basis. It's compounded by the fact that it's now dark well before 8 on an evening so there's only so much you can fit in to it.

On the other hand, come 4 o'clock on a Friday the weekend starts! We're conscious that we only have 2 years here and there's so much to do, so many places to see - and that gives us the impetus to just get on with it. Invariably we do something different each time, often visiting two or three places over the weekend. So much so that we have to pinch ourselves, every so often, just as a reminder that we're not on holiday. The downside to all this is that every Monday morning we get that post holiday slump we all suffer from...... but every week!! C'est la vie.

Photos from the last few weekends here: Sydney Feb 14

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sean & Ros,
    Good to read your blog and to hear that you are settling into your new life albeit (as you keep reminding yourselves) that it is only for two years. I would like to think we will make it out to see you in that time, but we will have to see how it goes.... that is the problem when you are restricted to school holidays as well you know and now that they are apparently cracking down and fining people who take their kids out of school to go on holiday it get increasingly more fraught. So we will have to see but as our neighbours will soon be on their way out to Aus and I have also found out that an old school friend of mine is around Sydney somewhere, plus you are there and my relatives and God parents are there too, we may now have to spend time visiting and catching up rather than sightseeing ! Anyway we will have to see what we come up with ?

    It is absolutely the thing to do & use whatever free time you have to go and visit places, I wish I had had more time to do so on my visit to Aus over 20 odd years ago now, but I did go to the Opera House, the Blue Mountains and held a Koala bear ! My one regret was that I didn't have time to go to see the Barrier Reef, but may be next time ? I am sure that is on your hit list along with a load of other stuff ? It is great to record it all on a blog if you can manage to do so not least because you will have a good record of your adventures as you will easily forget what you did when otherwise, I was only in Aus a month and the only way I remembered anything was to take loads of photos..... although this was in the days before digital.

    Reading your blog reminds me how well things are geared up to outdoor life, BBQ's camping, etc are so much nicer when the weather is warm, we could just do with a bit more of that warmth here, but hopefully we as we move into March things will improve ?

    Whilst I don't want to make you home sick, you will be relieved to have missed the wettest winter since 1910 apparently, loads of flooding down in the South but Shrewsbury has managed to escape relatively unscathed in comparison. The waters are now receeding which is good but much of Somerset is still struggling. Fortunately the waters haven't covered the snowdrops or the daffodils here and last weekend we went to see the carpet of snowdrops at our local National Trust place which whilst a little damp under foot was for once bathed in sunlight.

    Finally just to say we are fine here and currently coming to the end of half term, George has had a blast and whilst we have enjoyed it too we will probably be glad to get back to our routine.......

    Anyway carry on enjoying yourselves and we will look forward to reading all about it in the coming months......
    The Richards
