Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Adventist hospitals and the like

I came across a Church sponsored hospital while out on a bike ride at the weekend - The Sydney Adventist Hospital . There was an Emergency department and I got to wondering if they turn you away if you're not Adventist??  I don’t think I’ve seen such a thing before but it didn’t come as a surprise as it appears to be a very religious society here... to a point. By which I mean the majority of schools, both Primary and Secondary, are religious i.e. under the auspices of one church or another. I have to say the kids are very polite particularly when in uniform - there do seem to be some benefits to what is probably a strict school regime. I say things are religious to a point and that seems to be where it ends - school! There are churches around, probably as many as back home, but like the UK they seem to be empty the majority of the time….. and I haven’t seen anyone queuing to get in on a Sunday either.

The preponderance of Religious schools has worried Ros. Despite the fact that she’s applied for a number of teaching jobs she still hasn’t even managed to get an interview. She thinks it might be down to the fact that she can’t demonstrate that she’s a devout catholic (the predominant church here from what we’ve seen) i.e. provide a reference from the priest. Some schools actually insist on this!

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